
Sunday, December 18, 2022

Save the Shy Giants

                      Cross River gorilla babiesImage courtesy of world wildlife

The Cross River Gorilla lives in the coastal rainforests of African countries such as Nigeria and Cameroon. This primate is super shy and doesn't come out of the trees or stay within their safe habitat. This primate is disappearing really fast and there are only 200 of them left on our planet.

Why are they disappearing?

What picture do you imagine while reading the following? Imagine that every day, human activity makes the world around you smaller and smaller. The canopy above, providing food, shelter, and isolation, disappears forever as you pass. Every day, gorillas, magnificent but extremely endangered primates, are forced to say goodbye to their habitat. Farms, cattle ranches, or logging replace the once-connected forest with isolated patches. The habitat destruction causes segmented habitat zones for the different species with no interaction. The chances of cross-breeding decrease which leads to a weaker gene pool and a significant reduction in their population. The horror does not stop there. Along the way, gentle giants are being killed for their meat. However, they are frequently dismembered and marketed on the black market, where they are killed for bogus medical properties and deeds. 

When combined with poaching and deforestation, even seemingly minor levels of hunting promote the population’s weakening. With increasing numbers of humans encroaching on their habitats, gorillas must face another peril- diseases. Given that they share many of the same pathogens as humans, we need to protect gorillas from illnesses to which they are not accustomed. If gorillas become ill and are the target of large epidemics, the population will swiftly decline. Therefore, the future of gorillas is uncertain. Only international assistance and collaboration may protect these gentle giants from extinction and guarantee that they continue to thrive in our environment.

How can we save them?

The future of gorillas is on the line. However, there’s a silver lining! This problem can be solved in multiple ways.

Educating the villagers living near the gorilla habitat is one of the best ways to conserve gorillas. Just approach them and tell them about the gorilla's role as the rainforest’s gardeners, dropping seeds around the jungle. When the forest is safe, they are safe. Another strategy is to make stricter laws enforced by the government and take legal steps to strengthen the role of wildlife laws – say no to poaching. Imagine wild reserves where gorillas can walk freely, not caring about humans. Technology can also be a blessing. High-tech tracking collars and camera traps can track gorillas’ movements and record felonious offenses with exquisite results. Just imagine that local villagers can earn a wage by guiding tourists. These approaches ensure that gorillas and their habitat thrive as never before.

What are your opinions on this issue? Share your thoughts on the matter and how we can save these magnificent creatures in the comments.

 Adult Cross River GorillaImage courtesy of

How can you help?

  • Share this post and let everyone know about the Cross River Gorilla!
  • Give money to organizations working to save the gorillas. Here are a few reputable organizations:
  • Choose things that don't hurt the forest, like recycled paper.

Every little bit counts! Together, we can save these amazing creatures.

Real People Taking Action!

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has already been working with the Nigerian government to help the Cross River Gorilla. They're making safe zones, teaching people about sustainable forestry (growing trees responsibly), and using cool tech to track the gorillas. We can build on their success and make sure these shy giants have a future!

1 comment:

  1. It is very sad that this species is very close to extinction.
    Thanks for the post.
